Inspired by Thomas Joshua Cooper
The World's Edge by Thomas Joshua Cooper was an amazing exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. The black & white images taken across the different continents and at the furthermost edges of these places, where land meets sea, were powerful and thought provoking. Following our visit members were invited to create their own images inspired by his work.
Since none of us were likely to be able to venture far members were to choose a location closer to home. This could be anything from their living room, garden, a local park, or city etc... Then with a map & compass establish the cardinal points, North, South, East & West and photograph the furthermost parts of the area. These images could be details that you find in these locations or you can capture a wider look at what you find there. Alternatively you can stand in the centre / or some place in your chosen location and capture what you see, pointing North, South, East and West.
Since none of us were likely to be able to venture far members were to choose a location closer to home. This could be anything from their living room, garden, a local park, or city etc... Then with a map & compass establish the cardinal points, North, South, East & West and photograph the furthermost parts of the area. These images could be details that you find in these locations or you can capture a wider look at what you find there. Alternatively you can stand in the centre / or some place in your chosen location and capture what you see, pointing North, South, East and West.